All submissions must be emailed, follow the monthly theme, and in by the 15th at 11:59 PM. Winning submissions will be published on the 20th. They are emailed to
All submissions must be formatted as follows:
- 1" margins on all sides
- Times New Roman or Courier type
- Size 12 font
- Left Justified
- Last name/Shortened Title/Pg # starting on second page.
- Double-spaced
At the top heading, right hand side must be the following information:
- Full name
- Pen name (if appropriate)
- E-mail address
- Word count
- Category of submission
- Your grade (7th or 8th)
- Title begins halfway done. Skip a line and start story.
Submission categories and word requirements are as follows:
- Short fiction--3,000 words or less. One submission per month.
- Non-fiction--3,000 words or less. One submission per month.
- Argumentative Essay--1,000 words or less. One submission per month.
- Poetry--40 lines or less. Up to 3 submissions per month.
Submissions must be attached as a file in the email. They should not be pasted and copied into the email. Acceptable files are: .doc/.docx/.rtf